Setup Guide

Helpdesk Center

Amazon Fire TV Stick

1. Connect Fire TV Stick into TV
2. Connect to Wi-Fi
3. Create Amazon Account (if you don’t have an account already)
4. Download Screen360
5. Launch App and enter pairing code to your cloud portal
6. Add Screens
7. Upload content to play on screen

Amazon Fire TV Stick

If issues are occurred, troubleshooting is required.
Possible Issues that could occur are Blank White or Black Screen and Page not found.

1. Check your internet connection

If issue is still not fixed,
1. Press the forward button for 5 seconds and that will repress the screen.


2. Press the home button –> Settings –> Applications –> Manage Installed Application –> Scroll to Screen360Player(CLICK) –> Clear Cache –> Clear Data

a. Once all these actions are complete, you should get pairing code
b. Go to the cloud portal Screens Click on (…) Re-pair Enter the new pairing code shown on screen